

Endives (Cichorium endivia)


Aster family (Compositae)

glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Early start: from beginning of March to May
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Seeding: from June to beginning of August
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Planting: If started early: 4 weeks after early start, if bought: from April to May
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Distance: 30.0 – 40.0 cm x 40.0 cm
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Height: 10 – 20 cm
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Harvest: If started early: 8 weeks after early start, if sown: 10 weeks after seeding, if planted: from July to October (Early variety), If started early: 8 weeks after early start, if sown: 10 weeks after seeding, if planted: from August to November (Late variety)
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Habitat: sunny
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> Good Neighbours: Brussels sprouts, Carrots, Fennel, Pointed cabbage, Red cabbage, Savoy cabbage, White cabbage
glyphicon <%# Eval("Title") %> The endive is a typical late summer salad.
Require an average level of nutrients
garten feinde


The endive is a typical late summer salad.
When it flowers, it can grow to a height of 30 to 70 (up to 140) centimetres. It forms rosettes from relatively thick leaves.
The curly endive is very suitable to use fresh and the broad-leaved endive (Bavarian endive) with its wide, thick leaves is suitable to keep for a while.


Sunny location, loose, sufficiently moist soil rich in humus.


Propagate from seed.



Plants that are well suited for next year cultivation:

Brussels sprouts, Carrots, Cauliflower, Kale, Leeks, Radish, Spinach, Sweet corn, White cabbage


The following plants should not be planted in the following years:

How many years: Not to plant:
2 year(s) Endives


Endives can remain out in the open to approx. -8°C and can overwinter in a cold frame.


It's possible to grow them in batches at intervals of time. Fertilise and water regularly.



Approx. 4 weeks after sowing. For a mild endive aroma, you can keep the large heads paler by tying them up or covering them.


Endives wrapped in a moist cloth can be kept for several days in a fridge.


Endives are mostly eaten raw as a salad. Endives can also be cooked like chard or spinach.


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